I think it’s important that we take a sobering look at Matthew . The same parable was given in Luke 15, but there’s a MAJOR difference; a difference God so graciously led me to discover. In Luke 15, Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees and teachers of the law; in Matthew , He was speaking to the disciples...

The reason why I used Matthew and not Luke as the reference verse for this design was to illustrate the beauty of God’s character and care for us, not the fact that we were the “ones” he left the 99 for...

You see, the one who left was a PART OF THE ORIGINAL 100. Jesus didn’t abandon the 99 for the one; nor did He prefer the one over the others. Rather, for the sake of the ENTIRE flock, He was willing to run after the one that went astray to make the flock complete again...

God’s pursuit of us through the conviction of the Holy Spirit isn’t a “I-am-worth-dying-for” proclamation for the self centered Christian experience we have today. Nah, God’s pursuit of us is for the sake of the COMPLETION OF HIS GOOD PURPOSE. Point, blank, period!

Yes, God loves us - WITHOUT A DOUBT! But this love is not be hoarded for feel good Sunday Services. This love, this fellowship, is for the sake of God’s good purpose to be fulfilled - our sanctification into the image of Christ likeness...

God bless you,
IV His Glory Clothing

P.S. I've created a design that brings this message home; check it out below...


February 07, 2021 — IV His Glory Clothing

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