God's Glory Is Top Priority, Not Our Own

The name of this brand is no coincidence in my life. It’s been brought to my attention {my nice way of putting it}, through my latest trial, that I am a self-seeking person; I often place myself at the center of situations and fill my prayers with concerns about my own interests; it’s hard for me to confess this, but I trust what the scriptures say in regard to my confession of sin (1 John 1:9).

By His grace, which in this season is manifesting itself through discipline, I’m learning to filter all of life’s disappointment and triumph through this single lens – IT’S NOT ABOUT ME!! None of it – not a single ounce of it – is about me. It is truly ALL for God’s glory!

1 Corinthians 10:31, the verse which this ministry is founded upon, says “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

This verse is an all-inclusive verse. It’s very clear – WHATEVER YOU DO! Taking out the trash? Do it for His glory! Changing stinky doo doo diapers? Do it for His Glory! Dealing with that annoying coworker? Yeah, even do that for His glory!

This verse – this instruction – recalibrates our thinking from being self-centered to being God centered. It encourages us to CONSIDER GOD’S GLORY IN EVERYTHING! This is a tall order – it’s one that can only be accomplished by asking God to give us the grace to glorify Him in all we do.

Friends, we cannot bear the weight of being self-centered; it’s far too great a burden to consider the complexities of everything pertaining to our lives; that’s why Jesus encourages us to worry not in Matthew 6.

As I’m writing this devotional to you all, not many things are going my way. It’s frustrating, and I’ve often found myself discouraged. However, with this new mindset that it’s not about me, I feel light. Because it’s for God’s glory, my new prayer is for the Lord to give me joy in knowing that He’s called me to participate in His perfect and pleasing will. My prayer for you is the same, friend…

God bless,
IV His Glory Clothing

October 03, 2022 — Sheim Francis


deena said:

i read this last week and it sobered end right up!!! i appreciate your transparency bc i can find myself in what you shared about yourself. it led me to repent and change the way i see content/ministry. now i’m praying to be more aware of His plan and not my own. thank you thank you thank you for your obedience and sincerity

Steven said:

Thank you for your transparency during your period of intense refinement. I needed this heart check because I can get into “woe is me” as if I don’t deserve trial or for that matter suffering. Again, thank you, and continued prayers for you.

Donald Roy Montelongo Jr said:

May the God of peace grant you the mercies needed to lean upon His understanding. As Spurgeon ministered to many believers including myself through in depth readings and listening to his sermons he devotionally stated,” For despite the whisperings of Satan and the doubting of your own heart, you are greatly loved!”
Press on my Brutha, perseverance in bondservant is commanded. You work is never in vain, it’s in Christ! Soli Deo Gloria.

Stephanie said:

Sheim, your transparency with these always bless me. I’m always reminded that I am not the only one in this struggle and motivate me to move forward. May God bless you and may He reveal the desires of His heart for you in this season.

Victor said:

Thank you for this. The Lord has had the same thoughts on my mind for the last few weeks. It is so humbling when we realize that we are NOTHING without HIM.
keep doing His work

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