His Presence Is Better Than His Presents

What do you do when your emotions no longer serve as a reference point of God’s goodness? How do you respond when your circumstance whispers, “God’s not here”? What do we do when nothing tangible affirms our faith in God? This is a tough question to ask – it confronts the validity of our faith; it tests the credibility of our loyalty to God – but it’s a question we desperately need to answer.

“What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ…” – Philippians 3:8

When I meditate on this verse, I can’t help but to think about David. As I’m rounding the final corner in my personal journey through Psalms (One more to go, baby!), I’m learning one thing about David – he knew the character of God. Not just a casual knowledge of the character of God, David knew knew God lol It was this deep, intimate knowledge of God’s character that supported David’s faith when EVERYTHING was crumbling around him.

I’ve been going through a tough season lately – a real challenging one. I have NOT been like David (Matt Chandler Voice lol). My responses have been off; my treatment of loved ones has been lacking; I’ve become undone by this difficult trial if I’m being honest.

But this morning it dawned on me when God posed this difficult question to me during my quiet (sulking) time – IS MY CHARACTER ENOUGH TO COMFORT YOU? AM I STILL GOOD TO YOU EVEN WHEN YOU EYES CAN’T PERCEIVE IT? IS KNOWING ME BETTER THAN THE THINGS YOU KNOW I CAN GIVE? Ouch!

Family, as Believers, we cannot rest solely on tangible metrics of God’s goodness. God’s love for us isn’t displayed through what we accumulate – if it were, what would we say about God’s love for the poor and needy? God’s love for us is displayed by how much of Himself He reveals to us as we pursue Him.

The more David knew of God’s revealed character, the more that knowledge kept him during difficult times. That is my prayer for myself – that I would know God more and more, and rest in the beauty of His character. That’s my prayer for you as well, family! Know God – that is enough. That is eternal life.

Love y’all,
IV His Glory Clothing

September 27, 2022 — Sheim Francis


Cecj said:

Amen brother praying that this season God strengths you and may all thing work for his glory!

Leanne Mullins said:

“The more David knew of God’s revealed character, the more that knowledge kept him during difficult times.”

That hit me as I look back on reading psalms last week myself. David knew God was with him. That even when everything looked meek and David was weary He called out to God with such fervent faith knowing no matter what his human body could see, touch or feel that God would deliver Him through it. Wonderfully written. I wanted to write “Amen” but that wouldn’t do lol. The more we know Gods character the more that truth will carry us through the valleys. Give us peace and joy that makes no sense

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