Close Yet Far From God

You can be in Church your whole life and still be so far from God; bitter toward Him even! Don’t get it twisted - GOD IS CONCERNED WITH YOUR HEART, not your Christian vocation. The prodigal son and the son who stayed were both distant from God - one in proximity, the other in heart; I definitely identify with the brother who stayed…

Full transparency - I’m too image conscious to turn away from God in a public spectacle of visible disobedience but, man oh man have I definitely been distant in heart; resentful for not getting my way or getting what I’ve asked for…

In those moments, I’ve served faithfully and, to my surprise (God’s sovereignty), lives had been positively impacted for the kingdom. However, I was a salty, bitter, Believer - cynical about the fresh fire of new Believers!

Why am I revealing all of this? I want you to be able to take stock of your own walk with God. Are you a faithful worker, yet bitter devotee? Are you visibly Christian, but inwardly beefing with the Lord?

Man, I pray that we learn and operate in the treasure of relationship with the Lord! That, in the midst of ALL our emotions, we turn toward God, not away from Him! Lord, help our unbelief. Help us to trust you. Help us to see you as a loving father. In Jesus’ name, amen!

Love y’all,

November 06, 2023 — Sheim Francis


Aaron said:

That’s heavy! I have been battling a suppressed spirit of pride! I chose to follow God at 6 and became an enemy of the world as a result. I learned humility very early, but I understood outward confidence. I realized that I had to ADDRESS NOT SUPPRESS! I even went so far as to think the, “Depart from me….” is in reference to our spiritual suppression of flaws to APPEAR Christian and faultless in society. The walk is definitely a challenge, but I wouldn’t change it! 🙏🏼😁

Aaron said:

That’s heavy! I have been battling a suppressed spirit of pride! I chose to follow God at 6 and became an enemy of the world as a result. I learned humility very early, but I understood outward confidence. I realized that I had to ADDRESS NOT SUPPRESS! I even went so far as to think the, “Depart from me….” is in reference to our spiritual suppression of flaws to APPEAR Christian and faultless in society. The walk is definitely a challenge, but I wouldn’t change it! 🙏🏼😁

Berenice Sosa said:

Wow the fact I was talking to God recently about not being at church for a while got me deep thinking of how I haven’t stop seeking him. At the end of the day I’m a Christian believer but my works doesn’t show at church if not in an intimate relationship with the most highest and that’s God! After hearing this devotional it made me feel good of knowing I’m still with God!

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