Pain Exposes Our Allegiance To God

We see it in Crime/Mafia movies all the time - to get the enemy to flip, torture is always the effective method of choice. When it happens, we anticipate the character's response to the pain based on how the movie's portrayed them. Will they fold or nah? Will they remain loyal to their side or will the pain get the best of them?

It kinda reminds me of Job. His allegiance to God was tested through pain, and, though he was close to doing so, my man never flipped on God nor cursed His name. He was super discouraged and questioned why, but He never questioned the essence of the character of God...

Are we that solid like Job? Or do we meet pain with immediate anger and frustration, questioning and cursing God for putting us through it? Is pain the red flag or deal breaker in our relationship with the Lord? Are we intolerant of the very thing that allows us to identify with Christ? These are questions that are answered during every trial and hardship that we face; we answer them through our attitude toward the Lord...

My recent trial has exposed the truth of my allegiance to God. I like some of what I see, and I DESPISE a good amount, too! All in all, I'm realizing the strength of my allegiance to Him is directly proportional to my willingness to receive His goodness and faithfulness toward me. I can't fully explain it, but I have a peace about it.

And, right now, that's sufficient for me...

Love y'all,

November 20, 2023 — Sheim Francis


Juanita Kearns said:

Sheim, first of all you are a great person. You have showed my husband I and others at the chemo lab. Nothing but the reflection of God. I am not able to buy much at this time even though I would love to.I would love to for Christmas to all the patients,nurses,the workers at the chemo lab. I have been trying to get my husband to even eat right now. Care giving is tough sometimes, but Jesus was not nailed to the cross for our sickness and sins for nothing. The evil one wants us to believe his crap. He has stage 4 cancer, but I do not plan on him winning. Jesus died our healings. You sir, do not listen to his evil words to yourself. He loves to try and use our minds lot. Next time he trys to lie to you again. Tell him you do not serve him nor interested in serving him and he has to go. You only serve the One True Living God. Leave now. Everytime he try’s to lie to you again. Repeat it again to him. He knows you care about God. Little evil just doesn’t want you to care about Him. Also he knows his time is up shortly. Evil knows a lot better than us how the story ends. So please take it easy on yourself. Everything else will fall in place. Alright , may God’s Peace be upon on you in the season of His Son’s Birth Our Savior ,Jesus the Christ the Lord. Juanita Kearns

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