He Left The 99 For You
I think it’s important that we take a sobering look at Matthew . The same parable was given in Luke 15, but there’s a MAJOR difference; a difference God so...
Black Like Me: An Open Letter
As a black man in this country, I constantly live on the defensive. My size and my skin color leave me with one persistent objective as I navigate in society...
I'm Done Trusting God...
We pray and believe God for something. We trust that He’ll do it. We know He’s a God who can do all but fail; we know our God can do anything on our behalf. But nothing happens, right? in some cases, our circumstances reflect the total opposite of what we prayed for, right?! “God, how can I trust you when you’ve let me down so much?” is a question many Believers have asked before. It’s a question that requires a sincere response; here’s mine...
Your Kid's Not 'Smart' - And It's OK
Are teachers getting softer? Absolutely not! Is Admin pressuring educators to inflate grades for their School’s reputation? Nah! Who’s the cause of teacher’s inability to give your children the tough love of receiving what they should?
Why You'll Never Be Like Them - A Thesis On Comparison
How do we stop comparison from taking root in our heart and corrupting our perception of people’s motives? The answer is simple, but living it is challenging...
When God Doesn't Intervene | Lessons From The PICU
Imagine having to hold you daughter down while tubes are being shoved down her nose to the back of her throat. Imagine doing that while trying your best to calm her screams by whispering, “this is for your benefit, baby…”